
October 11, 2018

Deconstructing the old to create the new

There comes a time in your life - if you have been really seeking for truth - that you come face to face with some undeniable facts, which cannot be ignored anymore. Most people assume that they can just intellectualize truth, exchange ideas and study but keep their safe securities, their constructed lives, continuing to serve the very system that they want to exit from. We cannot, for all opposites must reconcile, everything hidden must surface, every lie must be revealed.

The more I learn about how this world is run, what everything really means, the more I realize how uneducated we are. I had already begun to realize (as I thought) quite a lot many years ago, but since my painful involvement with the system through my political disobedience case, one revelation after another of hidden knowledge destroys the world I thought we were living in.  Most of what I am discovering is so over-whelming that it's sometimes difficult to keep a clear-headed, holistic perception vs being sucked into the dark allies of our surface existence, named "civilized society". We are so in the dark thinking that we are educated, it's amazing to observe (and hold)!

How do you persuade someone who thinks they are educated that in reality the world he lives in is constructed on very different rules and ideas, concepts and structures than those he thinks exist? "Indoctrination" is not an over-stated fact and word for the "education" that we receive throughout our upbringing. It is precisely that! Real education is necessarily therefore based on de-indoctrination, which unavoidably will shatter your whole world view and constructed existence.   

Most people are not ready for that. They don't want to believe that they have been conned so much, that they have invested in fake ideas their whole life. They struggle to keep their core ideas and perceived needs, changing one belief for another, continuing to seek proof and justification for them, so that they won't be forced to change, to realize the ignorance that they fear but which must be realized, they avoid hovering/shaking in mid-air or having to think for themselves. Even the seemingly most courageous are mostly looking for a new set of beliefs which will substitute the old ones, still remaining in their safe, convenient "know state". 

The reality is that we are living in a man-made hell, an invisible prison cell but we don't see it. Everything has a negative or is negative-based. There is a dark, hidden side to everything we think we know. This assumption alone scares most people and are quick to reject it, needing to hold on to their little structured pink clouds of beliefs that necessarily obstruct truth. We like to separate the negative from the positive but the truth is that they are not separated.  It is only through the dark that we see the light. It is only through realizing the dark, hidden, negative, limiting that we know that we can see the positive, expanding, liberating, eternal. Avoiding this truth, people continue to hide the dark, fear its realization, avoid looking, thus living in constructed illusions.

Deception has been going on for eons. It seems that we are now at a crucial point in time where perception will/is exploding, trying to balance between two worlds; the old and the new. The birthing process is difficult as the old must die in order for the birthing to take place. Nothing can or must remain standing. Like a land flooded by the sea, everything must be swept away so that we can start over. Who wants to or is willing to start over? The terror of letting go, will continue to form illusions as long as we don't understand what it all means. 

The way to fully realize the world you are living in, is to go through your own self, your own mind, your own life, using different tools than those you used to build these, so that the world and its reality may reveal itself to you. The dual/parallel reason for doing this, for it being the ONLY sane and creative way to do this, is that while the whole world as well as your fake identity crumbles all around you, you will have the one incorruptible, untouchable, unperishable continuum to hold on to and trust; your Self. 

So, the two always go together. No one dares to destroy the old paradigm, misconceptions, countless illusions, if he sees himself being destroyed in and with them too. Until he realizes, experientially not intellectually, that there is much more to him than body, brain and physical form; the constructed identity he thought he was. There is no way that he will let go of the dream-world he is stuck in, thinking that he is awake. Only then does he begin to unite with his incorruptible essence beyond the material, beyond all concepts and ideas, beliefs and assumptions, to align with a very different kind of inner communion beyond language and thus experience a much deeper and broader sensual perception, based practically on self-evident truths and principles beyond beliefs.

No amount of persuasion, explanation, analysis, enforcement (the tools used to construct the dream-world) can do this for him. No matter how pressing this challenge and need seems to be, each person must come to this inner decision, courageous realization for and in of himself. It seems to be the ONLY real free choice we have! Ultimately realizing that there is nothing else left to do, nothing of this world, his indoctrinated mindset, his temporary achievements and surface satisfactions or any of his automated emotions that can provide long-lasting or unmoved, unshakeable self-realization and true unity, which would abolish fear, self-doubt and undeniable restlessness. He must discover, having traveled far and wide, lived it all, done it all, that there is no place to hide, that everything created must be destroyed, everything manufactured breaks and/or decays, everything born must die. In the world of duality nothing survives. In the reality of time, everything is swallowed into it.

But it's not the only reality or world available... 

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