
September 27, 2021

Matters of the heart

It’s not a time to choose things that aren’t of the heart! You have to be true to your heart.

The heart can only endure so much dishonesty, so much dismissal. It’s not about mind thinking but heart thinking. It’s about feelings, it’s about reality, honesty, truth. In the heart, things are simple, straightforward and there’s only one choice to make. Always the heart has only one choice.

It doesn’t falter, even if it breaks, even in the choice is the most difficult to make according to the ego’s wins and gains, failings and losses. It’s the only way it can go on beating and acquire wings to fly.

There’s always a benevolent life-reason for choices of the heart. We find/see that reason only AFTER we have trusted ourselves to make the bold choice of the heart. Not before!

It always knows exactly what we must do. If we silence the noise of the mind, it speaks clearly, softly, without threats or scaring, no bribes or ambiguous definitions; unequivocally.

And if you don’t listen, if you choose to override, to disregard it, you become miserable and bitter, ill and self-separated. There’s nowhere to hide, despite any successes, riches or social ego-gains. No “ethical” rules, no laws, no excuses you might impose on it can save you from betraying your heart. It’s a self-sentence of a half life; a life not lived.

We must be reminded how to listen to our heart mind because we’re used to listening to our head mind, which most often poses as the heart, in its sentimental drama and cowardice choices. A guide can help you find your heart, be reminded of its totally different language and communication pathways but only you can listen to its clear messages, it’s unmistakable unique essence.

And there awaits you a brave new world, one that you couldn't see before. Every moment lived fully, without regrets, in gratitude for all your meaningful experiences, in balance, tranquility and in harmony with life. Even if you have to stand alone. Because you know, you are never alone.

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